Blueprint - Redirect 3-layers space pipe based on shape on signal

Game version v2 Created on Aug 31, 2024

Redirect 3-layers space pipe based on shape on signal

Takes a 3-layers pipe as input and redirects it to one of the 4 outputs depending on the color of each quarter of the shape on receiver signal. Useful to build a Make Anything Machine as you can set the receiver to a particular shape signal (for instance one of the 2 random signals) and you can then connect the output to painters for each quarter of the random shape. This needs to be done for each possible color. Be mindful that if several quarters have the same color, the paint flow would be divided, which can be solved by either increasing the inflow, or building a more complex logic. At the time of upload, it is not possible to read which color is in a pipe, so you have to specify the color yourself. If the dev adds such a color reader, you could then directly link that to the logic to increase automation.
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